Yalanga Orienteering Club emphasises FUN and participation. To promote the social aspects of Orienteering, the club normally has at least one weekend away (including a meal at a local pub) somewhere in South Australia each season. We also hold an annual BBQ AGM and Christmas Dinner. To encourage participation, Yalanga members can enter most Yalanga-run events for only $2!

On the more serious side, Yalanga organises and runs about four or five Orienteering events per year. The planning is done mainly at club meetings, which are held as needed at a member's home. All Yalanga members are welcome and encouraged to come along to these meetings, with motivation provided in the form of a (shared) supper and chance to bring maps and discuss courses. The Yalanga events themselves are great fun with many Yalanga hands making light work.

Yalanga currently offers family and individual memberships, and school memberships. Our members live all over Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills, and ages from toddler to 75 are represented. Members range from those with mainly social and/or recreational interest, to those competing at the top Australian and international levels in their age group. Our club also has members who have special interests in Mountain Bike Orienteering (MTBO), and organize events and compete enthusiastically.

In recent years, our Orienteering club has become a focal point for Rogainers who seek to practice navigation skills, between Rogaines, in like-minded company. Yalanga Orienteers currently has as members a number of Rogainers who have achieved top-10 placings in the state, nationally and internationally.

Principal Sponsors

Other Sponsors and Supporters