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Orienteering Resources for Teachers & Coaches:
Collated by Ken Thompson updated 25 Nov 2021 Thanks to ideas also contributed by Sport Australia (formally Australian Sports Commission), Adrian Uppill, Paul Hoopman, Chris Franklin, Kay Haarsma & Zita Sankauskas. Prices are a guide only and are subject to change.
Orienteering is also available for delivery though the Sporting Schools program - see this page.
The resources below are to support teachers providing orienteering separately from that program
Download this document with active links
Get the Starter Pack for detailed information on how to get started.
- Orienteering: The Adventure Sport for Everyone A new short promotional Video filmed at the 2017 National Championhips in NSW
- Two good inspirational videos to show students (particularly older students or adults) at the start of your programme:
Orienteering More than just running
- http://www.youtube.com/user/OrienteeringAUS
- Very Good instruction for students & teachers on how to approach a park map or permanent course. Also helpful in showing how such courses should be structured: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRUvSWiDgc8
- What is an Orienteering Map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vug5kiA67N8
- IOF presents Orienteering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZmYCvMTmQI
An Introduction to what orienteering is all about: 2012_Flinders_Uni_Presentation_min.pdf
Current List of Permanent Orienteering Courses: DIY Orienteering
Purple Pen: a free program for course planning and printing: http://purple-pen.org
Notes on use & installation of Purple Pen: Using Purple Pen For Course Planning
Contact Information:
Orienteering Supplies:
Equipment can be ordered though Orienteering SA or direct from a supplier.
- OSA School Equipment Kit - available if you have an Orienteering Sporting Schools Grant, and can also be ordered directly. It contains
- Coreflute controls as described above can also be ordered separately, suitable for schoolyard use. If more then 20 are required, additional plates will be numbered from 51 onwards. order through the school support email as above. Quote provided and can inlcude postage if required.
- Punches - from Peter Shepherd (NSW O shop)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cost is $50 for a box of ten..
- Orienteering Flags – smaller ones from Hart Sport. Only $4.50 for the 15cm ones or $4.90 for big ones. www.hartsport.com.au/sport/orienteering-equipment/orienteering-accessories Also very good quality. Alternatively you could use small white icecream tubs and add some red colour to them, and a punch and write on a code.
- Permanent Markers Daytona Signs138 Morgan Ave Melrose Park 5039 Ph 8277 1303 (Mention Orienteering SA & they will know what you mean) 50 X Metal plates 9.5cm x 9.5cm with orange triangle plus alphabet & number codes (suggest 3 sets of alpha & 2 sets of numbers) approx. cost $350 - ask for a quote
Enquiries about any of the above to School support email:
Free Supplies:
- Punch cards for use when you want to re-use maps and not punch on the map: Control_cards_3up_on_A4_OSA.pdf
- Set of 64 marker on printable A4 pages. Complete with code list. Sheets can be laminated and used as markers if cost is a problem: Markers_64_A4_sheets.zip
Ideas & Info for School Orienteering:
Programme Suitable for Primary School Use: (as used in NSW After Hours Care Programme)
Recommended Books:
- ‘Orienteering Games: The Ultimate Teaching Resource’ Available from Orienteering Queenland Electronic version $22, Printed version $48.50 https://oq.asn.au/o-games-book
- There is also an excellent free resource, "Games Orienteers Play", which contains lesson plans for Prep to Yr 12. This is also available from Orienteering Queensland.
- Illustrated young readers book "Gang O Kids" by Hazel Edwards $11.95 Available from: www.osoa.com.au
- An excellent introductory guide to the sport of orienteering written by Carol McNeill. $34.95 * Web: www.osoa.com.au
- Elementary Orienteering Instructors Manual $16.95 plus postage. Available online from Orienteering Service of Australia (see above). A bit dated but contains some good ideas.
Other Resources